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How to put an Auction?

Step 1:

In the Artist Panel select " Add New Auction ", this will take you to the following auction wizard.
In the field " Name of the auction " please enter the title of the auction, and in the field below, enter the information according to the formula .
NOTE! Reports containing errors or deficiencies will be corrected which will extend the approval process.

Instrukcja wystawiania aukcji - Awers Art - Krok pierwszy

Step 2:

In the " starting price " field below, enter the value according to the formula. In " auction date " enter the current date of submission for verification, the end date should be set one week later - see the template below.
ATTENTION! These data are for verification purposes only, they will be changed by the moderator after signing the contract with you to put the object up for auction.

Instrukcja wystawiania aukcji - Awers Art - Krok drugi

Step 3:

" Short description of the auction " is a place for additional information about the work, author's biographical note and links to the website etc.

Instrukcja wystawiania aukcji - Awers Art - Krok trzeci

Step 4:

After filling in the above information, click " Set auction image " in the top right corner of the page.

Instrukcja wystawiania aukcji - Awers Art - Krok czwarty

Step 5:

Drop image file here (. jpg or. jpeg ) or select a file from disk.

Instrukcja wystawiania aukcji - Awers Art - Krok piąty

Step 6:

Adding a graphic file will go to the last part of the edition.
ATTENTION! Resolution
and the size of the graphic file in the attached file details MUST match the parameters
in step one.
(Spaces between words in the filename are replaced with
with a "-", this is part of the process).

Instrukcja wystawiania aukcji - Awers Art - Krok szósty

Step 7:

After accepting the image file, make sure that the entered data is correct.
Submit your request for verification using the " Save for Review " button.