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Category: Informative

Sztuka NFT – Mirela Bukała o swojej twórczości

Art of NFT - Mirela Bukała about her work

Mirela Bukała urodziła się w 1992r w Ozimku. Dyplom magisterski obroniła w Instytucie Sztuki Uniwersytetu Opolskiego w 2016 roku w pracowni malarstwa. Tematy wykorzystane w twórczości nawiązują do relacji międzyludzkich, problemów życia doczesnego i niepokojów dotyczących zarówno społeczeństwa jak i pojedynczych jednostek. Jest laureatką stypendium Achima Gabora dla najlepszego studenta Instytutu Sztuki w Opolu, drugiego miejsca w ogólnopolskim konkursie na Ilustrację do tekstu piosenek Jeremiego Przybory i nagród specjalnych w konkursach Cztery Pory Karykatury i XXII Międzynarodowego Konkursu na Rysunek Satyryczny „Plastik”. W 2015 roku uczestniczyła w Międzynarodowych warsztatach kreatywnych w Trier i w rezydencji artystycznej „Art Ladies Project” w Berlinie.

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Małgorzata Oleszkiewicz o sztuce NFT

Małgorzata Oleszkiewicz about NFT Art

Małgorzata Oleszkiewicz comes from Gdańsk, creates a mix of visual media based on own graphics , photographs , illustrations , painting , architecture projects . He does a kind of visual-emotional performance . The need for experimentation, exploration, interdisciplinarity, image , word, sound constitute an integrated tool for creating narration, mood, conscious coding and conversation with the recipient. In Awers-Art presents works from the Gaspard de la nuit series - the work is inspired by Ravel's musical masterpiece and the prose poem of the French poet Aloysius Bertrand .

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Zdjęcia z duszą – osobowości w obiektywie Kasi Idźkowskiej cz.II

Pictures with soul - personalities through the lens of Kasia Idźkowska part II

The photographs presented in Awers-Art's gallery are part of the long-term That’s Jazz Babe project - the project aims to show the contribution of jazz artists to the world of music. As the artist claims, art in any form is a medium of dialogue, which is a powerful tool - it is clearly visible in her photos, which tell not only about jazz , but also about the positive message associated with it. Each photo emanates a noticeable emotional charge - it is worth knowing the stories surrounding the works - below the next part of the story.

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Zdjęcia z duszą – osobowości w obiektywie Kasi Idźkowskiej

Pictures with soul - personalities through the lens of Kasia Idźkowska

The photographs presented in Awers-Art's gallery are part of the long-term That’s Jazz Babe project - the project aims to show the contribution of jazz artists to the world of music. As the artist claims, art in any form is a medium of dialogue, which is a powerful tool - it is clearly visible in her photos, which tell not only about jazz , but also about the positive message associated with it. Each photo emanates a noticeable emotional charge - it is worth knowing the stories surrounding the works - below Kasia Idźkowska introduces us to the personages portrayed a bit.

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Kasia Idźkowska o sztuce NFT

Kasia Idźkowska about the Art of NFT

Kasia Idźkowska is a graduate of the renowned Academy of Photography in Warsaw, she also holds a master's degree in economics. After years of building a career in the corporate finance world, she decided to focus on photography . In her work, she pays special attention to the New York jazz scene - her photos show the backstage of concerts, or nostalgic portraits of such celebrities as John Faddis or the Oscar winner John Batiste . The artist supports the formation of the NFT art trend in Poland , as one of the lecturers at the Warsaw Academy of Photography, she openly promotes activities related to creating tokens . The NFT photo of Kasia Idźkowska can be purchased via Awers-Art .

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Sztuka NFT – wydarzenia na świecie

NFT Art - World events

Tokenization of Art is one of the hottest topics of recent months - although in Poland it is a topic that is just breaking through the strands of controversy, in the world NFT Art has been confirming its value thanks to successive institutions interested in its potential and possibilities offered by both real and digital creativity . In a short time, many events took place in various parts of the globe, the star of which was just NFT Art .

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Magazyn Vip o Awers-Art

VIP magazine about Awers-Art

NFT Art arouses a lot of emotions in the media - there are voices for and against, but specialists have no doubts - in the future NFT works will become an integral part of the art market - also in Poland. Awers-Art as the first auction house dealing exclusively with NFT Art wants to look at this direction of development now - first auction has already started, and there are already reports in the media.

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Sztuka NFT – czy to jeszcze SZTUKA?

Art of NFT - is it still ART?

NFT Art is a widely discussed topic - it has been developing in the world for several years, now the phenomenon has also reached Poland - like everything new, it prompts a discussion about the legitimacy of its functioning, important questions are asked about the future of art, and even those that undermine the overall functioning of NFT Art as a trend focused solely on earnings. It is worth taking a closer look at the technology itself, as well as stopping and taking up the topic of the very concept of NFT as an element of Art - all questions are worth considering and trying to answer them.

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Sztuka NFT – Awers-Art w mediach

Art of NFT - Awers-Art in the media

NFT Art arouses a lot of emotions in the media - there are voices for and against, but specialists have no doubts - in the future NFT works will become an integral part of the art market - also in Poland. Meanwhile, the first reports in the media about the inaugural auction in the first NFT auction house - Awers-Art.

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I Aukcja NFT w Awers Art – Laura Pawela

1st NFT Auction at Awers-Art - Laura Pawela

Laura Pawela w swojej twórczości jest bardzo wszechstronna, a mimo to przy szerokim zakresie zainteresowań technicznych od początku swojej kariery prezentuje konsekwentne działania – jej prace nigdy nie pozostają bez przekazu. Obraz NFT, który został wybrany do pierwszej aukcji NFT w Awers-Art jest cyfrową wersją dzieła, które w sposób jednoznaczny porusza kwestię przyszłości człowieka i świata wirtualnego. Obraz NFT “Can’t go to real world” Paweli doskonale oddaje ducha dzisiejszych czasów, pokazuje fuzję świata rzeczywistego z cyfrowym – skłania do refleksji – to wszystko sprawia, że jest dziełem wyjątkowym, aktualnym mimo tak dużego skoku rozwojowego w stosunku do czasu, w którym powstał.

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